Introduction to I&C software
Major Activities
- Requirements Definition
- What do we want to achieve?
- define requirements (specifications)
- Design
- How to achieve?
- define DSA
- breakdown into components and their architecture
- Implementation
- convert design to code
- Verification
- Is our implementation correct?
- wrt requirements & design
Arranging activities
eg. Waterfall model
flowchart TB A[Requirements Definition] --> B[Design] --> C[Implementation] --> D[Verification]
Freeze an activity before going to next step. Can be used for critical systems, since requirements unlikely to change while developing.
Instrumentation and control systems
flowchart LR A[Physical Process] --"temperature neutron flux"--> B[Sensors] --"voltage/ current"--> C[Controller PLC] --"voltage/ current"--> D[Actuators] --> A
Program pseudocode
every 10 ms :
input_signal <-- read from board
regulating_signal := compute(input_signal)
regulating_signal --> output to board
- reactive
- never terminate
- real time performance requirements
- important to safety
- failure not acceptable